1. ultra violet & visible spectroscopy :

basic principle ,characteristics region of spectrum, energy levels & selection rules,
woodward – fieser , influence of substituent ,ring size & strain
on spectral characteristics , solvent effect non-conjugated interaction ,spectral correlation
with structure , uv- values .
(ref.pavia )

2. infrared spectroscopy :

characteristics region of spectrum , influence of substituents , ring size , hydrogen bond ,
vibrational coupling & field effect on frequency . spectral interpretation , ir value.
.(ref.pavia )

3. Nulear magnetic resonance spectrum :
Magnetice nuclei , chemical shift & shielding , relaxation ,processes ., chemical &^
magenetce non equivanence , local dinagnetce shielding , magnetice anisotropy , spin –
spin splitting , pascal triangle , coupling constant .
.(ref.pavia )

Application of raman spectra nicely.

c)Analytical techniques

1. chromatography : ( only go for basics)
general principles , classification , normal & reversed phase , bonded phase,
sepration mechanisms .
a. column chroma tography .
b. flash chromatography .
c. vaccum liquid chromatography .
d. hplc
e. tlc, hptlc, oplc (over pressure layer chromatography )
f. centrifugal chromatography .
g. counter – current chromatography .
h. droplet – counter current chromatography .
i. ion exchange , affinity , size exclusion & ion pair chromatography perfusion , fast protein liquid chromatography, supercritical chrmo.
j. gc, gc-ms, lc- ms .
2. Thermal techniques :dsc, dta, tga .ord , cd (Very nicely) .
3. Electrophoresis : capillary, gel .
4. other : crystallography , spectrofluorimetry Metries like potentiometry, polarimetry only imp equations and reference standard and imp applications if any…
Refer standard books like pavia, kemp, skoog…

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